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Your clients don’t hate getting emails.

(Neither do you)

Your audience hates getting emails that suck. They (and you) hate the decision fatigue that comes with staring at 68 unopened emails and dreading going through them. The truth? 

Email is a communication platform (like texting or social media), and it’s arguably one of the better ones. But how you use it determines the experience your audience has AND how much they’ll buy.  So, let’s agree to stop sending sucky emails and instead . . .

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Slash through the online noise, connect with your ideal customers, and sell every day – all on autopilot. 

Done-for-you email sequences and monthly emails that sound like you (without spending your valuable time) and sell out your offers.


Here’s what you need to know about email & your business:

  • Unlike social media, you own your list. No tech dudes from Silicon Valley can steal your audience.

  • Email has a 99% deliverability rate. Meaning no algorithms to block your content from getting straight to the eyeballs of your audience.

  • Email is the most effective way to nurture and sell to your audience. (And if you're not using email to automatically engage with new subscribers, nurture your current list, and sell to them, you're leaving money on the table every day – especially if you have a high ticket service

Here’s what you need to know about my approach to email:

  • It’s strategic, story-focused, and based on centuries-old persuasion techniques. (Read more about that here.)

  • They sound so much like you, you’ll wonder if I’ve been talking to your therapist.

  • They’ve earned my clients hundreds of thousands and allowed them to make money every single day.

  • We don’t do boring, scripted, or templated. Bespoke is best.


 With a tailored email strategy and expertly crafted emails and sequences, you'll be on the fast track to . . .

  • A list full of engaged, beloved, and excited subscribers who devour your emails and can't wait to snap up everything you sell.

  • Sold out offers because your people actually SEE your content. No more battling algorithms or gyrating on Instagram so *maybe* your reel will get seen and *maybe* they'll click on the caption and *maybe* they'll go to the link in your bio and *maybe* they'll click on the opt-in and . . . we're both already exhausted just reading this. Fare thee well and good riddance, not owning the audience you’ve worked so hard to build.

  • Being seen as an expert and thought leader in your space. Story-focused emails help get your brilliant ideas across in a way people will remember.

  • Consistent money with an automated sequence that sells to every new subscriber. So long, feast or famine months.


I’m Hannah – a storyteller obsessed with filling your programs and selling out your offers.

As award-winning journalist turned copywriter and story strategist, I spent the last decade interviewing and telling the stories of incredible humans all over the US.

After accidentally getting pregnant with twins (that was a fun ultrasound), I started a copywriting business. After spending a few months in the online coaching and service-based space, I was so disheartened by the boring, copy + paste templates everyone was passing around as “stories.”

So, I decided to bring all the best principles of interviewing and storytelling from journalism and mix them with ancient, proven frameworks of persuasion to help entrepreneurs legitimately stand out from their competition, create raving, obsessed audiences, and sell out their offers.


Can’t-stop-reading emails that create super-fans, brand evangelists, and forever buyers.

(Read the samples below!)


Subject Line: Brad Pitt is here to supercharge your writing – you’re welcome

This is an email I sent to my list to nurture and educate. It got a ton of engagement! We’ll send these kinds of emails to your list in between launches and other promo periods.

Subject Line: roots

This is an email I wrote for one of my clients sharing the origin story of her business and how it ties deeply to her family. (Read her reaction in the testimonial above!)

Subject Line: my ancestor was hung as a witch

This is a one-off sales email to my list with awesome results. We can share these kinds of emails with your audience when you’re promoting a one-time service or smaller offer between launches.


At our first meeting, Hannah had so many good ideas and made my (somewhat boring) industry seem so relatable and almost fun. She definitely got me excited! Hannah continues to exceed my expectations. I cannot even fathom how many hours (months? years?) she has saved me! The work I received from Hannah is 5/5 stars! I would highly recommend!”

—Natalie Schmidt

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Welcome Sequence

Perfect for you if you’ve got an email sequence and it's not performing (getting people to take the action you want them to take – whether that’s booking discovery calls or buying an evergreen course). Which SUCKS because you know you're leaving money on the table every time a new subscriber goes through your sequence.

Sales Sequence

Perfect for you if you’ve been killing it with organic strategies and are ready to package up the best of your personality, the best of your messaging, and your signature offer in an automated sequence that makes you money every day.

Retainer Emails

Perfect for you if you know your email list could make you a crap ton (yes, super technical email term) of money. But you haven't nailed down nurturing them between your launches and offers. You either don't know what to say, don't have time to do it, or hate writing (or all three!).


How this works:

(This process if for the done-for-you email sequences. Click through on the intensive or retainers for more info on those!)



After we handle the contract and invoicing details, we’ll book our 2-hour kickoff call where I'll get all the information I need to create your sequence. Before our meeting, you’ll fill out my messaging questionnaire so we can make the best use of our time on the call.


Next, you go about your daily world-changing activities, and I’ll get to writing.



Then, I’ll send the email sequence to you for approval and edits. You'll have unlimited edits for ten business days. I want you to be over the moon with your sequence.


After three months or 100 people have gone through your email list (whichever comes first), we'll go back through your sequence and optimize for conversions.


 “I can’t read these emails. I just keep stopping because it’s too much! I don’t want to start sobbing having the kids looking at me like I’m crazy. Hannah, you are a master of words + stories!”

— Jess B, Heritage Apothecary

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Read the FAQs


 How long will the done-for-you package take to complete?

From our kickoff call, email sequences typically take two weeks to complete. Then, you’ll have ten business days to go over edits. I would plan for a month from kickoff call to when your team will have it set up in your email software.

 What size email list do I need to have?

Since email is such an intimate platform, the relationship you have with your clients is more important than the number of subscribers you have. And, if you’re not sure about the engagement, we can work on that together.

Who is the best fit for a done-for-you email sequence?

The best fit for my services are coaches or service-based entrepreneurs with a validated course or service (your students/clients have seen results even if they’re varied). You believe you were born and called to do this work and you’re willing to share personal stories in your content.

 What is the investment?

Done-for-you email sequences have a massive ROI and are something you can use as long as you’re in business. Because of the time and care I put into each project, email sequences start at mid-four figures.


Need a custom package or bespoke email strategy?